what are strongholds

© Strongholds

Greek for "Ochu-roma"

A stronghold is a lie that the devil uses to hold our minds and our lives captive through thoughts, environments, people, and choices and systems

The person with a mental stronghold finds it impossible to

dismiss certain thoughts or patterns from their head space or environment then it begins to overwhelm their mind to the point where they are controlled by that stronghold.

4 Central Strongholds Consist Of

FEAR - The debilitating sense of anxiety that restricts us from living the life God designed for us.

CONFUSION - That causes double mindless and restlessness. Confusion is not of God, confusion is a tactic the devil uses to infiltrate his thoughts process in our mind to combat what is right.

ANGER - Producing frustration, agitation and harm in your life. Anger may lead to choices that can never be undone or unsaid.

DESPAIR - Making you believe that life is not worth living. When we are not on a walk with God it's easy to live a life in darkness, to be in the light you must walk with it


We often forget that when we speak to humans we are not interacting directly speaking to the body but to the spirit in the individual. The human has 3 parts: the spirit, soul, and the body. Your soul is made up of your mind. A person struggling with a stronghold perceives everything negatively and unrealistically and may react to everything.

The Devil is on a constant mission to steal, kill, and destroy. Anyway he can keep us the most far from God he will. A stronghold, if left unchecked and untangled becomes a magnet for evil thoughts and desires as satan seeks to trap you into mental seduction of being imprisoned in your own mind. An imprisonment of thinking.

Lamoure Ferrer fitted hat

november 26


Strongholds version 2